Discover the profound truth that your mind shapes your reality.

At Humans Unboxed,

we'll guide you in harnessing

the incredible power of your mind,

for healing, personal growth, purpose

and endless possibilities.


Understanding the Power of the Unconscious Mind

Your mind, much like a computer, processes vast amounts of information behind the scenes, shaping your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This intricate system comprises two essential parts: the conscious and the unconscious.

The Conscious Mind: Your Monitor to the World

Picture your conscious mind as the computer monitor, offering you choices, awareness, and interaction with the world. Just as your computer delivers pop-up messages, your conscious mind presents thoughts and feelings seemingly out of nowhere. Directed by concentration and initiated by focused thoughts, these conscious processes involve critical thinking, willpower, and judgment.

The Unconscious Mind: Your Silent Processor

In contrast, the unconscious mind operates without judgment, akin to a computer processor. It dutifully performs functions without question, running both good and bad programs based on the directions it receives.

Unbeknownst to you, your actions, words, and recurring emotions serve as these directives, shaping your unconscious learning.

Client Testimonials

Q: What was the overall outcome of working with Prem? How has it made your life different?

I feel inspired, that I have a plan to move forward. I am no longer stuck. I feel lighter, happier, freer. I don't let others behavior, opinions, actions negatively affect me. I feel more powerful and confident and able to deal with life's challenges with much less stressful feelings.

-Cheryl Biron

Q: Before starting NLP coaching with Prem, how did you feel about the challenges you were facing?

Before starting my Personal Breakthrough program with Prem, I had been working on these various challenges for many years through a number of healing and self-discovery modalities. While I had made progress, a 'stuck' feeling always remained - like a rubber band pulling me back into old patterns, particularly when things in life got hard and stressful.

-Courtney Amo

Q: During the NLP coaching process with Prem, what did you enjoy most about working with Prem?

From the beginning of our Personal Breakthrough program, Prem created a safe and trusting environment to explore all those sticky points that kept pulling me back. Frankly, I was surprised to discover how much there was that needed to be let go of, and a bit skeptical that this time I'd actually truly be free from these old patterns. Prem intuitively and professionally guided me through various exercises, and through his presence and empathy, was able to sense what was needed next.

-Courtney Amo

Q: During the NLP coaching process with Prem, what did you enjoy most about working with Prem?

Prem has become a friend and confidant, he masterfully guided me through exercises to help unravel my limiting beliefs and free my path forward. He’s kind, sincere, and meticulous in creating a plan that has brought newfound joy and meaning to my life. I am forever grateful for this experience, it has been life-changing!

-Cherylynn Desjardins

Q: Can you identify some tangible results you have achieved as a result of working with Prem?

Tangible results:

1. Doing a exercise routine at least 4 times a week

2. Managing stress and conflicts in a much better way.

3. Looking out for my mental health and physical health and looking out for what I eat.

4. Going for walks so I can practice Peripheral Vision

5. Feel more positive, more alive

6. Sleeping better

7. Advances on the most important project I'm working right now.

The future is not that frightful anymore thanks to Prem

-Andrés Stern

Q: During the NLP coaching process with Prem, what did you enjoy most about working with Prem?

I enjoyed the most his calmness, the way he perfectly empathized and knew how to recover memories that I thought I've lost, that were doing harm in my life without me even noticing. Great professional, great human being, highly recommended

-Andrés Stern